News, Updates, Tips & Tricks to Help Grow Your Amazon Business
Running an Amazon Business has its perks but not without its challenges. Explore our resources to help you become more knowledgable, increase sales and be more profitable.

5 Things to Consider When Building Your Amazon FBA Business Plan
In today’s marketplace, anyone can start their own business. But even the most innovative entrepreneurs can use a hand when it comes to getting their latest business venture in order. Even if you understand how to translate expert market analysis into the next top-selling product on Amazon, your potential will be sorely limited if you

Amazon Seller Analytics: 10 KPIs to Track for a Winning Strategy
Amazon Seller KPIs KPIs: What Are They? Why Are they Useful? Key Performance Indicators, better known as KPIs, are defined as a quantifiable measure that you will use to determine how well your company is performing in different aspects of the business in comparison to the goals you have set. KPIs can measure just about

Amazon SEO Tips for Sellers
Advertising isn’t what it used to be. A generation ago, it was a simple matter of getting your product in front of customers or at least putting customers on notice that your product was on the market. The right combination of print, radio, television, in-person advertisements and product placement could do wonders for your products.

Calculating Amazon Seller Fees
You plan the future of your business with purpose and precision. After all the time and money you’ve invested in finding, sourcing & selling your products, you naturally have a set an objective for the amount of profit you expect (or hope) to see in return. However, without thorough consideration of all the fees you

Selling Your Amazon FBA Business: Get Your Valuation from an Amazon FBA Broker
Would you like to know the value of your Amazon FBA business? This article gives you the basic foundation knowledge of how online businesses are valued – and what you can do to prepare your Amazon FBA business for maximum valuation & top dollar purchase.

How the Supreme Court’s Reversed Decision on Sales Tax Collection Affects Your Online Business
If you’ve been living under a rock the past week, then you might not have heard: The U.S. Supreme Court is making it a requirement for ecommerce shops to collect and pay sales tax. This decision is huge. It actually signifies a deeper shift in the minds of American government and consumers. Here’s how we’ll

Amazon Cracks Down on Reviews (Again) with a Daily Limit
Product reviews are critical for Amazon sellers. Especially if you sell a similar product to a competitor, having more reviews, and more positive reviews than the competitor’s listing can be what gets the customer to buy from you — and not the competition. But what happens when your reviews disappear? Well, this happened to a

How Your Amazon Reserved Inventory Affects Your Bottom Line
Most Amazon sellers, in the frenzy of adjusting PPC bids and retail price, overlook one hugely business-critical aspect: inventory management. More over, Amazon reserved inventory may not be considered at all. Going out of stock on Amazon severely hurts your ranking. Even slow assimilation of your goods into FBA warehouses can do some damage; it

Amazon Offers .com FBA Products in 100+ Countries: Sellers Must Opt Out of “FBA Export” Program
In a surprisingly short email sent recently, Amazon told third-party FBA sellers that their products were being offered for sale on more than 100 international markets through the new FBA Export program. Here are the most important facts in summary, and some factors for your consideration regarding this program. Who can join the international FBA

How to Use Amazon’s Newly Added Enhanced Brand Content Features in Your Long Tail Strategy
Amazon announced in an email to US sellers May 29th that they’ve added two large new features to the Enhanced Brand Content section. The new content modules are added eye candy for buyers interested in your brand, but even more exciting is the ability to add alt-text keywords to photos, which can enhance your long-tail